Let's Talk Trees
A dogwood tree brings beauty and interest to your backyard all year long. …
Many trees are too large for their locations; growing over gutters, into buildings, over walkways, etc. Roots can also damage hard surfaces, while large trees can make a property look dated, create excessive shade, and needle/leaf drop. Replacing large trees with smaller growing varieties handles this. Use trees that are insect and disease resistant and require little or no pruning. The idea is to allow trees to keep their natural form.
Below is a partial list of the types of questions that may be used in creating a comprehensive evaluation of the trees:
1. Are there trees that have been topped or were their central leaders broken off?
2. Do the trees have low hanging branches that are overhanging pedestrian walkways, paths, and vehicle driveways?
3. Are there tree roots heaving up sidewalks or asphalt creating a potential trip hazard for pedestrians?
4. Are the tree-roots close to underground utilities; are they causing potential problems to water lines for the domestic water supply or irrigation system and to the electrical transformers and underground power lines to the buildings?
5. Location of trees in relationship to the buildings. Are the trees located too close to a building and the branches extend onto the roof structure of the building? Is the tree or its root system causing unnecessary damage to the building?
6. Are trees in stand-alone locations or are they located in groups of like-kind trees?
7. Are there trees that could benefit from being thinned out so their branches will sail through a wind storm
as opposed to breaking off and becoming a potential flying object?
8. Is the tree located in the wrong place?
9. Does the tree provide too much shade for underlying plantings?
10. Are there too many trees adjacent to one another – in other words, are the trees crowding one another?
11. Does the tree have poor structural integrity?
12. Is the tree located in an area with poor soils, clay, compacted soils, or sandy soils?
13. Is there too much or not enough water for the tree?
14. Does the tree have a virus, disease, or significant insect infestations?
15. Is the tree leaning?
“If it’s important to establish shade or have flowers relatively quickly, choose a fast-growing tree. Typically, they’re smaller, have soft wood, and don’t live as long. Scale trees to their surroundings.”