How To Landscape With The Season: Fall
Fall is a fantastic season to create, supplement or renovate exterior landscapes.
The cooling air temperatures sends a message to plants that it’s time to start going dormant because winter is coming. Plants steer their energy from leaf production, flowering and fruiting, into root growth and fortification. And since the soil temperatures stay warm longer than the air, it’s an ideal time for root development. Trees, shrubs and perennials planted this time of year will establish strong root systems and be prepared to flourish come spring.
“relish fall as an opportunity for planting”
Think Trees
If you’ve ever lost a tree, fall is the time to replace it. Put in the time to plant trees and shrubs in fall so that you can reap the benefits come next summer. Success rates are much higher this time of year and maintenance required is lower (since the rain and cool temperatures keep roots moist).
Dream big! Imagine the all of the possibilities available to you if you follow through with fall planting – harvesting fruit trees, shading under a conifer, cutting your own gorgeous flowers and more await. And if you plant in fall, you’ll enjoy the fruits of your labours for years to come.

Plant those bulbs
Spring-blooming bulbs need a cool dormancy period in order to thrive and produce in the spring . Include them on your fall planting plan. Here on the Island, we have a great selection of hardy bulbs. Double check your zone before planting, and then get bulbs in the ground so that they can become established, go dormant, and give you a fantastic show of colour come springtime. Since bulbs are amongst the first plants to come up and bloom in the spring, We like to put bulbs along borders, and in places where they’ll get a lot of attention.