Complete Lawn Care Program

Superior Landscaping Ltd.

Complete Lawn Care Program

An expert lawn care program will help you achieve your best lawn yet!


It might seem premature (or at least hopeful!) to be thinking about lawn care in February, but now’s the perfect time to sign up for our Complete Lawn Care Program so you can enjoy a lush, green lawn throughout spring, summer and fall.


Our Lawn Care Program is customized to your specific needs, whether that’s dealing with a challenging turf site, working with your soil’s pH, controlling pests like mosquitoes and ticks so you can enjoy your yard to the fullest and more, all while keeping your family and pets’ safety at the forefront of everything we do.


Professional Lawn Care for the Best Lawns - Farmside Landscape & DesignWhat to expect with our Complete Lawn Care Program:


  • The team will provide an initial review and assessment of your lawn and your specific needs (special consideration for children and pets/site condition assessment/pest and disease damage diagnoses/aeration and over-seeding determination, etc.).
  • We will pay close attention as your lawn adapts to the change of seasons and the affects they have on it.
    • In early spring, we’ll apply an enhanced efficiency fertilizer to boost spring green-up and apply pre-emergent crabgrass control.
    • During late spring, we’ll inspect your lawn for broadleaf weeds and control those as needed.
    • Summer can place a lot of stress on turf grasses, between blistering sun and heat, pests and drought. In late summer we’ll apply an enhanced efficiency fertilizer designed to promote recovery from summer stress factors and we’ll also check and treat for insects and other additional seasonal stressors.
    • In early fall, as your lawn comes out of heat dormancy and begins to rejuvenate, we’ll inspect and treat for broadleaf weeds.
    • Finally, in late fall, we’ll apply a dormant fertilizer to promote healthy root development for your turf, plus ample nutrient storage before winter begins.